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IUBS Collaborative Projects





IUBS, through its diverse activities and collaborative initiatives, contributes to our understanding of fundamental biological processes and the intersection of biology with society and sustainable development.

IUBS’s engagement in international collaborative projects, and strategic partnerships reflects its dedication to promoting research, training, and education in biological sciences.
The collaborative spirit extends beyond IUBS boundaries through engaging projects with other unions and international organizations


Current Collaborative projects

IUBS,  INQUA, and ISZS decided to organize an international event fostering dialogue and collaboration among Early Career Researchers (ECR)

Following the proclamation of the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development 2024-2033 (IDSSD), IUBS a member of the IYBSSD steering committee is currently part of the EHC

IUBS is one of the founding member of SCGES

IUBS has been a member of the International Alliance Against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade since it inception in 2021


Former Collaborative projects

Several Unions including IUBS have proposed 2022 to be declared as The International Year of Basic Sciences 

Over the years, IUBS has undertaken several significant projects aimed at addressing gender disparities within the scientific community.