Survey on the Governance of Taxonomic Lists

The Global Species List Working Group, under the auspices of the International Union for Biological Sciences, is investigating the potential creation of a single global list of species.

We invite you to participate in a survey investigating the opinions of taxonomists and users of taxonomic information toward the development and governance of a global species list. Click below and select your preferred language from the drop-down menu at the top of the page for information about this survey in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, or Simplified Chinese. [Pour les francophones, cliquez ci-dessous. Chi parla italiano clicca qui sotto. Para hispanohablantes, haga clic a continuación. Para falantes de protuguês, clique abaixo, 说中文的请点击下方.  ]

Please Click Here to Access the Survey

This survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. We ask that you please respond no later than May 17, 2022.

All responses to this survey are strictly confidential and anonymous. We do not collect any personal information and there is no way to link your responses to you. The results of the survey will be shared in publications, fact sheets, and presentations. Anonymous survey data will also be posted to a public data repository.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your opinions with us. With your help, we can advance the field of taxonomy and provide users of taxonomic information what they need to make informed decisions.

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